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Passing Qualification Code and Qualification ID in Entry Links


Vendors can pass various participant details and qualifications directly into their entry links. By including these qualifications, respondents will avoid redundant questions on both the Zamplia platform and the client's platform.

When generating an entry link, vendors need to retrieve the question codes from the GetSurveyDemographics endpoint or the Get Demographics endpoint, and pass them in the URL. The qualification code, ID, and other answers should be included in the link using the q format for each question.

Example URL:

Here’s an example URL that passes participant qualifications, including single-punch and multi-punch questions:

Example Passes Participant Qualifications:,390,391 

In this URL:

q1=1 → Represents gender, where 1 stands for male.

q2=95351 → Represents the zipcode of the respondent.

q29=77 → Represents the age of the respondent.

q19=389,390,391 → Represents a multi-punch question (e.g., STANDARD_PETS), where 389, 390, and 391 are the options selected by the respondent.


q1: Gender. Vendors must pass the gender code (e.g., 1 for male).

q2: Zipcode. The respondent's specific zipcode.

q29: Age. The respondent's age.

q19: Multi-punch question (e.g., STANDARD_PETS). Vendors must pass multiple selected options separated by commas (e.g., 389,390,391).

Steps to Retrieve and Pass Qualification Information:

  • Retrieve Question Codes: Vendors should retrieve the necessary question codes from either the GetSurveyDemographics endpoint or the Get Demographics endpoint.

  • Format the Entry URL: For each question, use the format q<question_code>=<answer> where: q represents the question. The answer follows the = sign. For multi-punch questions, use a comma to separate multiple option codes. Append to the Entry Link: Add the formatted qualifications and participant information into the URL.

  • Multi-Punch Questions: For multi-punch questions, where respondents may select multiple options, use a comma-separated list of option codes. For example: Question: STANDARD_PETS Selected Options: 389 (Dogs), 390 (Cats), 391 (Fish)

    This would result in: q19=389,390,391

Benefits of Sending Qualifications in Entry URLs:

By passing qualifications directly into the entry URL:

  • Efficiency: These questions will not be asked again on the Zamplia platform, reducing the respondent's effort.
  • Consistency: Zamplia will send these qualifications to the client, ensuring that the same questions are not asked multiple times. This prevents redundant questioning, providing a better user experience.

Example Usage:

If the gender is male (q1=1),

the zipcode is 95351 (q2=95351),

the age is 77 (q29=77),

and the respondent selected multiple pets (q19=389,390,391),

the URL would look like this:

Example URL:,390,391

Key Considerations:

Retrieve Accurate Question Codes: Always retrieve question codes using the GetSurveyDemographics or Get Demographics endpoint.

Use Comma for Multi-Punch: For multi-punch questions, separate the options with a comma to ensure proper parsing.

Follow Format: The format for each question should strictly follow the q<question_code> = <answer> pattern.